Regional Development Research in China: A Roadmap to 2050

作者:Dadao Lu, Jie Fan 2015-05-19 10:59 来源:《创新2050:科学技术与中国的未来》丛书英文版
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区域发展研究是近年来我国蓬勃发展的一门具有重要影响的交叉研究领域。本书阐释了区域研究的主要特性和基本模块;根据未来我国区域发展走势和科技需求分析,明确了2020年、2030年和2050年的区域发展科技目标、重大科学问题和路线图,凝练了区域发展的集成命题,提出了中国科学院的对策及建议。本书还针对专项和典型区的区域发展科技领域路线图进行了深入研究。 本书可作为政府部门、科研机构、高等院校进行区域发展相关领域研究和战略决策的重要参考,对国外相关机构和人员了解中国区域发展情况及寻求区域发展合作研究具有参考价值。


1 Regional Development and Regional Development Research
1.1 The Attribute of Regional Development Research
1.2 Basic Perspectives on the Current Situation of Regional Development Research
1.3 The Return and Innovation in Mainstream Regional Development Research
2 Basic Trends and Scientific and Technological Demands of Regional Development
2.1 Basic Trends of Regional Development
2.2 Scientific and Technological Development Tasks in Regional Development
2.3 Scientific and Technological Demands of Regional Development in China(to 2030)
2.4 Scientific and Technological Demands in Regional Development(2030-2050)
3 Major Research Issues and Roadmap Design in Regional Development Research
3.1 Scientific and Technological Development Objectives in Regional Development
3.2 Roadmap Design for Scientific and Technological Demands in Regional Development Research
3.3 Transition of the Scientific and Technological Field in Regional Development Research
4 Integrated Propositions of Regional Development Research
4.1 Theory of Territorial Function Formation and Regional Development Patterns in China
4.2 Forecast of Urbanization and Overall Mechanism of Urban-Rural Integration
4.3 Ecological Compensation Theory and Approaches to Achieve Coordinated Regional Development
5 Strategies and Actions of Chinese Academy of Sciences
5.1 Basic Strategy and Overall Deployment
5.2 Implement Long-term Research Plan and Establish the Simulation and Decision Support System for Regional Sustainable Development in China
5.3 Start Pilot-Research Programs and Establish Platform of ?Simulation and Decision Support System for Regional Sustainable Development in China?
Appendix 1 Monographic Studies on the Roadmap of Scientific and Technological Development in Regional Development
A1.1 New Factors and Mechanisms Affecting Regional Development
A1.2 Roadmap of Spatial Organization of Industries
A1.3 China?s Agricultural and Rural Development Roadmap
A1.4 Prospects and Spatial Pattern of China?s Urbanization
A1.5 Leisure Demand Changes and Regional Development
A1.6 Transport and Communication Technologies and Regional Development
A1.7 The Status Quo and Research Progress of Ecological Environment and Resource System in China
A1.8 Roadmap of Regional Management Systems
Appendix 2 Studies on the Roadmap of Scientific and Technological Development in the Development of Typical Regions
A2.1 Developed Eastern Coastal Regions
A2.2 Revitalization and Sustainable Development of the Old Industrial Bases
A2.3 Sustainable Development Roadmap for Mountainous Areas of China
A2.4 Scientific and Technological Roadmap for Research on Regional Development in Border Areas of China to 2050
